Thursday, October 23, 2008

"How to Measure Your Penis"

Most men have no idea of how big - or small - their engines really are. In fact, the average man thinks that his penis is below average. Every man is unique in his own way, including his penis size. Some men are long and thin, while others are wide and short, and some lucky ones - according to some women - are both long and large. But how do you know where do you stand? How do you compare to the average man?

The average size is :

Take a few minutes in the bathroom to look at what you've got. Is it wide? Long? Short? Don't compare yourself by checking out what the guys in the gym locker room have, as it is quite useless. Instead, take a measuring tape and calculate the length, girth, and erection angle of your penis.
After you measured yourself, you can compare your answers with the averages compiled from a recent study in the US:

The Erectus Lengthus: The maximum length of the penis achieved through the state of arousal and excitement. The average size measured from the base of the shaft to the tip is 5.8 inches.

The Maximus Girthus: While still in an erect state, wrap a tape measure around the base of the penis. The average is 5 inches around or 1.6 inches in diameter.

The Erectus Angle: While still in an erect state, stand with your back leaning against a wall and estimate your angle. A 180-degree angle points directly up at your chin; a 90-degree angle would point directly in front of you; and a zero degree angle would point directly down out your feet. The average angle is 106.8 degrees.

The Flacidus Lengthus: Measure immediately after undressing, you don't want cold or warm air from the room to distort your measurement, as shrinkage or expansion may occur. The average length is 3.43 inches.

According to the Kinsey Institute, the biggest erect penis on record measures 13 inches. The smallest tops off at 1 and 3/4 inches.

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