Monday, July 14, 2008

The A to Z Successful of Life

A - arrive a little early for every date or appointment.
B - be enthusiastic in everything you do.
C - complete every assigned task.
D - do a little more than is required.
E - express yourself after you know the facts.
F - feel comfortable in every situation by being yourself.
G - go out to serve others.
H - help and pray your enemies.
I - inculcate positive values.
J - join in and help when you are needed.
K - keep your head cool, it will save you more trouble.
L - listen with your heart not your ears.
M - make the best what you have.
N - never say it is hard, instead try your best.
O - open your heart to those less fortunate than you.
P - please yourself by pleasing others.
Q - quickly respond to any emergency needs.
R - remember the spirit of christmas should be everyday.
S - study as to excel in your profession.
T - take advantage of opportunity.
U - use spare time intelligenlty.
V - value your health.
W - work at your work.
X - x out any qualities that could lead to failure.
Y - you are the most important asset. Treat it well physically and emotionally.
Z - zestfully meet any challenge.

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